1. Evangelical christians. I think the reason why they make me more uncomfortable than then they do other people is because I used to be one. Sure, I wasn't yelling in a subway car that I loved everyone and didn't want them to go to hell, but I went to church 2-3 times a week in high school. Church camp was always a highlight of my year, and my friends and I set up our own Bible study that met every week one summer. So, when I see these people spouting off on this or that about God's love, instead of inspiring me like it is intended, all I feel is intense embarrassment. My muscles tense up and have to get away. Two girls loudly praying over a homeless man the other day in Harvard Square sent me speed walking in the opposite direction of where I was supposed to be going. I just couldn't handle it.
(On a funny note, one guy once asked me if I had protected my virginity for the Lord in San Francisco. I stared at him right in the face and said. "No. I most certainly have not." I felt AWESOME.)
2. Homeless men cat calling. You can't tell them to f*ck off, because you never know just how crazy they are. You just half to walk by and feel dirty.
3. People asleep on the subway. Do you wake them up? Do you ask them which stop they need to be awake for? What about when they snore? What if they look like they're going to slide off their seat?
4. Public Displays of Affection. Hold hands all you want, give each other a hug or a peck on the lips, but the second you start mackin' on each other, you can bet your butt that I'm feeling awkward. I saw this one couple on the way home the other day where they put there faces nose-to-nose (no head turning to avoid nose-bashing) and licked their tongues out like they were lapping milk. My whole body spasmed in horror before I could run away.
5. Listening to people talk about their plans together in front of you. Sure, if you haven't invited me along, it's probably for non-mean reason (For instance, I don't know your friend in Bulgaria, so you can't just go ahead and force my presence on them), but it's still no fun. This is currently happening a lot with my roomies, seeing as the two of them get invited to events and the invitation generally isn't extended to yours truly. Makes sense, since I don't know the person that invited them, but doesn't make it any more enjoyable to be left behind.
6. When you just don't know. I bought a book because of this. Even though I still think it's funny that a certain someone didn't know the chemical composition of table salt, it's apparently a million-bazillion times worse that I don't know the dates for the American Revolution. Hence,
I purchased this book online the other day. It's next on my list after I finish The World According to Garp. The ignorance and social discomfort have gone on too long.
And six things is where I end, which perhaps isn't so surprising... seeing as I'm generally hard to make uncomfortable. Talking about genitalia, dancing in public, making an ass out of myself... none of that really phases me. It's part of my charm... I think.
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